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Wildharvested + Organic Cleansing

美國天然森林香氣手作品牌Juniper Ridge

由熱愛大自然的Hall Newbegin於1998年成立。使用的原材料是可持續採收的植物,採用傳統的蒸汽蒸餾技術,製作出高品質的家用身體護理產品,將大自然的野性帶入您的家中。

所有配方於加州奧克蘭工作坊內手工調配,100% 天然,採集範圍更不限於花卉與枝葉,包括菇類、苔蘚甚至樹皮都成了原料,汲取山林悠遠而遼闊的氣息,獨一無二的中性香調男女皆宜。

Juniper Ridge每年把10%利潤將捐給環保機構 獲取利潤與捍衛環保同時兼得

Juniper Ridge uses sustainably harvested plants and traditional distillation techniques to handcraft our home and body care products in our Oakland, California workshop. 

Juniper Ridge never uses synthetic perfumes. All products are free of parabens, phthalates, preservatives, and dyes.

Every year, Juniper Ridge donates 10% of their profits or 1% of sales (whichever is greater) to Wilderness Defense Program which fights to keep the wilderness wild.